

產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng):multifunction mixer






產(chǎn)品特點(diǎn):SG-5403 multifunction mixer set magnetic heating stirrer, constant temperature heating magnetic stirrer, electric mixer and other functions as a system、Magnetic heating (or heating temperature magnetic) stirring


一、 Introduction
SG-5403 multifunction mixer set magnetic heating stirrer, constant temperature heating magnetic stirrer, electric mixer and other functions as a system、Magnetic heating (or heating temperature magnetic) stirring, electric mixing can be the same machine, could speed the wider context of a stable liquid solution for precision mixing. Performance, to meet your various needs of different work environment. Simple, smooth operation, variable speed, temperature control accuracy, especially for the small size of different viscosity solution stirring with the machine test operation, petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, textile, food, medicine and health, environmental, biological and chemical laboratory analysis chamber, an indispensable tool for education and scientific research.

Technical parameters:
Total Power: 300W
Temperature range: room temperature - 100 , digital temperature control
Temperature accuracy: ± 1
Magnetic Stirring speed range: start ~ 1400r/min;
Electric stirring speed range: starting ~ 3000 r / min
Work surface: 120MM
Dimensions: 37 * 26 * 57CM
Mixing Capacity: 1000ML

二、Use Method
Connected to external power supply, close the power switch, indicator lights. The solution and stir with a trial bottle (or other containers) on the work of the panel, open magnetic stirring switch, the corresponding indicator light, adjust "magnetic" speed control knob , rose to the required speed。Can serve as a magnetic stirring,If you need to make sure electrical equipment when mixing test bottle (or other containers) of the clamping position, adjustment, calibration, electrical and fixtures in the column on the location and height, open the electric mixing switch, Corresponding indicator lights, adjust "electric" speed control knob, rose to power required for stirring speed can take as constant stirring, to set the dial switch to set the end of measurement, rotary selector to set the temperature higher than the actual temperature When the green light shows that heating to work, when the green light to put out the red light that has been in a constant state of time. the work is completed, Speed control knob placed in the minimum position; temperature control knob placed on non-working state, turn off the switch and power switch stir, turn off the power. The column, face, fixtures, sensors wipe clean, residue on it does not allow water droplets and dirt.



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上海碩光電子科技有限公司 版權(quán)所有

ICP備案號(hào):滬ICP備14032911號(hào)-5 管理登陸 技術(shù)支持:化工儀器網(wǎng)   總流量:475334  sitemap.xml

  • 劉先生



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